e-CryptIt Engine 7.0 for REALbasic
R. A. Hettinga
rah at shipwright.com
Mon Dec 16 09:30:24 EST 2002
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Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 04:35:24 -0800
To: "MacDev-1 (Moderated)" <MacDev-1 at listmail.xplain.com>
From: MacDev-1 Moderator <MacDev-1 at listmail.mactech.com>
Subject: e-CryptIt Engine 7.0 for REALbasic
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e-CryptIt Engine 7.0 is out
New in 7.0:
* Added a BlowfishECB class (This replaces the old functions).
* Added a BlowfishCBC class which adds a CBC chained
Blowfish encryption to the plugin.
* Added a TwofishECB class which adds a ECB unchained
Twofish encryption to the plugin.
* Added a TwofishCBC class which adds a CBC chained
Twofish encryption to the plugin.
* Added a IEncryptionAlgorithm Interface which BlowfishECB
BlowfishCBC, TwofishECB and TwofishCBC implement.
* Removed the old function based BlowFish ECB encryption
and all the ByRef string referencing relating to it.
* Added new example projects for the new algorithms.
* The ZStream class is now implemented with native
MacOS calls rather that MSL calls making it 35% smaller on
Carbon and 50% smaller on PPC.
* Fixed a bug with the ZStream that made it crash when used
on OS 8.6.
* Fixed a minor memory leak in the ZStream constructor.
* The ZStream now Implements the IStreamWriter and
IStreamReader Interface.
* The ZStream now can take IStreamReader and IStreamWriter
as a constructor parameter, which add the ability to
do in memory compression and decompression.
Björn Eiríksson bjorn at einhugur.com
Einhugur Software einhugur at kagi.com
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R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at ibuc.com>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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