Schneier (and RSA) on Bernstein factoring machine
R. A. Hettinga
rah at
Wed Apr 17 16:07:48 EDT 2002
At 3:54 PM -0400 on 4/16/02, Trei, Peter wrote:
> Well, Lucky's not a business, and he's certainly not a military
> institution (despite his fondness for ordinance). What does that
> leave? Most of us who know him got a little chuckle out of this.
> For RSA's 'official' position on this issue, take a look at:
> If there's a call for it, I'll post the whole text so you can read
> it without visiting our site (it's not too long).
One should also note, that, last time I looked at least, that Mr. Briceno
ended up at RSA as part of the XCert buyout.
Whose old 1028 bit RSA key will probably go away soon as part of an
apparent impedance mismatch between MacPGP and MacGPG anyway...
R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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