[FYI] FBI steps up Net surveillance, following terror attack

Axel H Horns horns at ipjur.com
Wed Sep 12 10:47:53 EDT 2001


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FBI steps up Net surveillance, following terror attack  

By Kieren McCarthy  

Posted: 12/09/2001 at 12:17 GMT  

The FBI has been accused of using yesterday's disaster as a way to 
install more of its Carnivore listening boxes into Internet systems.  

FBI agents have reportedly turned up at several Internet and network 
service providers with a number of boxes in tow and requesting 
permission to install them at the heart of people's networks. Many 
have said yes.  

One sysadmin, insisting on anonymity, told Wired.com that agents had 
turned up at his work "with a couple of Carnivores, requesting 
permission to place them in our core, along with offers to actually 
pay for circuits and costs". Other sources say the FBI agents have 
said the boxes will only be there for the next few days.  

Even though the terrorist attacks are fresh in people's minds, some 
observers have already raised concerns that the failure of the 
intelligence agencies to uncover the plots will lead them to ask for 
increased surveillance powers. Suggestions that the terrorists 
communicated through encrypted information sent over the Internet 
have already started emerging. ®  

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