forwarded message from tylera19 at
Trei, Peter
ptrei at
Mon May 14 10:51:04 EDT 2001
> ----------
> From: Russell Nelson[SMTP:nelson at]
> Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 10:08 AM
> To: cryptography at
> Subject: forwarded message from tylera19 at
> <<Message: ADV: Flash Website Design >><<File: ATT141055.txt>>
> This is the goofiest spam I've ever gotten. How many bits are
> contained in the message below the % signs? Could be quite a few,
> depending on your dictionary of nouns, verb, adjectives, and adverbs.
> Sure looks like a message to me. As far as I know, I'm not expecting
> any steganographic messages from anybody. Nor do I have any kind of a
> reputation as a cryptographer who might be able to decode a random
> encrypted message. Maybe it really has been spammed in an effort to
> avoid traffic analysis?
> -russ
It's an attempt by a spambot to get by a 'uniqueness filter'. A quick
google (Google is your friend) gives the stuff appended below.
Peter Trei
Please ignore anything below the "End of Message" line.
What looks like extraneous text is automatically inserted into
our messages by our software mailing program
and constitutes what is called a "unique text insertion" or UTI.
It allows this message to bypass filters on some of the larger domains.
That's all.
Thank you for understanding. Success Unlimited International.
End of message.
Conversely, this analysis of a formative as a pair of sets of
features must utilize and be functionally interwoven with the
profound meaning of "The Raw and the Cooked". However, the
incorporation of additional mission constraints is unspecified with
respect to a parasitic gap construction. For one thing, any
exponential Folklife coefficient effects a significant
implementation of the anticipated fourth-generation equipment. By
combining adjunctions and certain deformations, the earlier
discussion of deviance necessitates that coagulative measures be
applied to all deeper structuralistic conceptualization. Thus,
within given parameters, our fully integrated field program is
further compounded when taking into account the sophisticated
hardware. Notice, incidentally, that the fundamental error of
regarding functional notions as categorial suffices to account for
the overall negative profitability. This suggests that the earlier
discussion of deviance adds explicit performance contours to
possible bidirectional logical relationship approaches. Clearly,
the incorporation of agonistic cultural constraints is functionally
equivalent and parallel to an important distinction in language
use. By combining adjunctions and certain deformations, the notion
of level of grammaticalness necessitates that coagulative measures
be applied to a descriptive fact. Analogously, the fully
integrated test program is holistically compounded, in the context
of the levels of acceptability from fairly high (eg (99a)) to
virtual gibberish (eg (98d)).
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