[Cryptography] Creepy correlation noted

John Levine johnl at iecc.com
Thu Jul 13 21:55:03 EDT 2017

In article <CAAMy4UQ+84gTKKvqOxOEZ8PyD9rGnSr794JC9xXtyibO4dBORA at mail.gmail.com>,
>> How would they even know what your phone number is?
>Comcrass has a VOIP service they sell so they do know and control  that number.
>Their box has a  plug that a common phone can plug into.
>They now have a battery (too expensive) for the emergency functionality.
>Emergency 911 requires a precise knock on that door physical location.
>It is tempting to ponder how to snoop the cable side of their box and
>see what the box connects to without customer demand. 

I realize this is too simple, but you could look at the packetcable
spec, keeping in mind that you can put any random Best Buy cable modem
on any cable connection so Comcast's ability to inject malware into it
is limited.  The phone service you buy from your cable company uses
VoIP over a dedicated channel, so it doesn't compete with the general
IP traffic and has predictably good loss, delay and jitter.

But anyway, I'm still waiting to hear where I can sign up for the
"live suckers online" feed, and why I would waste money on it when
VoIP predictive dialers that blast down a list and only connect to an
agent when they hear a live person are practically free.

John Levine, johnl at iecc.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. http://jl.ly

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