[Cryptography] Insecure email might be an even bigger problem than we suspected

ianG iang at iang.org
Sat Oct 1 17:45:21 EDT 2016

On 24/08/2016 23:18 pm, Ray Dillinger wrote:

>> We also have the following observations
>> 1) Cyber espionage attack against the DNC by the FSB and GRU
>> 2) Cyber espionage attach against the New York Times by same parties [*]
>> Cui bono?
> On the one hand:
> Oh good.  Some other people are reaching the same 'paranoid
> conspiracy theory' I spun the other day.  So I'm at least no
> crazier than you.
> On the other hand:
> This.  Is.  BAD.

i know this is an old thread and I'm behind a month, but ... really?

As far as I know, the dems and the repubs have been waging a 
never-ending war against each other including hacking servers, election 
machines, the whole works.  This is rarely reported because they have so 
much dirt on each other they both know that to report would be end of 
life as they know it.

So, if the FBI are now reporting that a foreign power is attacking US 
elections ... surely this can only be for a reason that is unrelated to 
the actual topic - hacking elections.

>  An attack on the integrity of elections by
> a power foreign to the nation in which those elections are to
> be held, cannot be allowed to stand. Regardless of who the
> attacker is.

I am reminded of the UN's attempt to define terrorism, which got sent 
back 6 times by the State Dept. because "we do that."

iang, colour me cynical.

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