[Cryptography] This is not the end...

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 03:08:45 EDT 2016

> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 9:18 PM, Perry E. Metzger <perry at piermont.com>
> wrote:
>> The FBI dropping its request under the All Writs Act


They didn't "drop" their request, they asked and received
time to play with the phone in their sandbox with their friends.
The court actually went further and stayed order, perhaps
pusuant to an Apple request for that in conference call.
Regardless, ball's still in feds ballcourt, though they'd have
a hard time pressing it for spite were it shown they have
unlock solution in hand.

A FOIA should be filed to discover for reference all "outside
parties" contacting govt offering services and their proposed
"methods" therein.

> The iPhone 5 was not sold as being secure

Don't worry, they still have hundreds of phones to file new
cases and/or make new law with.

Unless... curiosly... the new "Hayden" style arguments
coming from other govt forces and think tanks are for real
and win out.


(Or if you believe the iPhone 6 with iOS 9.3 is actually
a top selling TOP SECRET tricked out scam, thereby
making a quit acceptable.)

Or the people and the cryptos win out.

> this is not about concealing your porn

Regarding a lot of users and media, it's actually quite
a bit and rather effective about "seeing my dick", etc...


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