[Cryptography] Darpa wants a secure messaging app based on blockchains

Henry Baker hbaker1 at pipeline.com
Wed Apr 27 23:49:43 EDT 2016

At 04:02 PM 4/27/2016, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>> "(i) commercial application (including testing and evaluation of products, services or technologies for use in technical or ***weapons systems***)"
>> I'm at a bit of a loss to understand to whom -- other than the govt -- an SBIR company is allowed to sell its SBIR-financed "weapons system".
>PS.  And of course there are uses not intended by the manufacturers.
>I was really glad when they switched from mace to pepper spray; that
>made a potent, if sort of flavorless, hot sauce widely available,
>where up till then I'd had to either make my own, buy by mail, or
>pay outrageous prices at rare specialty stores.

Pepper spray: Duel (!) use technology?  :-)

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