[Cryptography] Reproducible results, scientific method, fraud enforcement, etc.

Jerry Leichter leichter at lrw.com
Thu Oct 8 11:18:16 EDT 2015

> ...This approach -- relying on  retrospective enforcement -- is not necessarily a bad idea.  It can be made to work, and sometimes it is the only thing that works.
Paul Karger used to have a great name for this approach:  Bull in the china shop security.  As in:  You can always buy more china, but the bull is dead meat.

(What's particularly good about this is the way it turns your assumptions around.  Most people think of the bull in the china shop as a sign of ultimate disaster, to be prevented at all costs.  But ... it's not.  Pretty much nothing is really "at all costs".)
                                                        -- Jerry

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