[Cryptography] ADMIN (sort of): Opportunistic TLS now turned on for list server

Perry E. Metzger perry at piermont.com
Sun Jun 8 15:38:50 EDT 2014

Thanks to some help from Viktor Dukhovni, the mail server that runs
the list is now doing opportunistic TLS for SMTP connections.

This is, of course, not *entirely* important given that the list
traffic is entirely public and archived, but it seemed like a good
symbolic move.

Setting this up in Postfix was entirely painless and took only a
couple of minutes of work -- most of the time was in fact spent
waiting for Diffie-Hellman parameter files to generate. I suggest
that everyone with a mail server should do the same -- most major
email providers (like Gmail) do it already.

Perry E. Metzger		perry at piermont.com

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