Death of antivirus software imminent

Alex Alten alex at
Fri Jan 4 14:04:43 EST 2008

At 11:23 PM 1/3/2008 +0000, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 11:52:21 -0500
>dan at wrote:
> > The aspect of this that is directly relevant to this
> > list is that while "we" have labored to make network
> > comms safe in an unsafe transmission medium, the
> > world has now reached the point where the odds favor
> > the hypothesis that whomever you are talking to is
> > themselves already 0wned, i.e., it does not matter if
> > the comms are clean when the opponent already owns
> > your counterparty.
> >
>Right -- remember Spaf's famous line about how using strong crypto on
>the Internet is like using an armored car to carry money between
>someone living in a cardboard shack and someone living on a park bench?
>Crypto solves certain problems very well.  Against others, it's worse
>than useless -- "worse", because it blocks out friendly IDSs as well as
>hostile parties.

I agree with these statements.  I have a couple of comments
regarding crypto and IDS.  I think that we will have to move toward
encrypting more data at rest in some manner that is that is easy for
the user to use (like ATM cash cards) yet difficult for a malicious
piece of software on the user's machine to circumvent.  This will
require that all PC's ship with a trusted hardware/firmware chip
AKA a reference monitor on the motherboard that can safely handle
any red keys.  This also means the PC needs a trusted path to
the user like the pin pad in ATM machines.  Many laptops now
ship with fingerprint scanners, so maybe these things are not such
an onerous requirement on PC manufacturers anymore.  Also
the reference monitor could be used to prevent viruses being able
to completely taking over the user's machine (maybe at least
to maintain some sort of host IDS capability).

For IDS, I think we need to think of it in more the context of policing.
These virus writers are human beings, and I suspect for the most
part a very small fraction of the total Internet population.  We need to
have tools and international Interpol-like treaties in place that allow
police to track down and arrest these people (or deny them access
via an ISP or a carrier).  Many of the tier 1 carriers apparently are
refusing to share IDS information with one another.  This needs to
change.  We need really good IDS tools that track down the control
lines of the botnets, etc., back to their actual handlers.  This may
mean that each carrier must archive large amounts of either netflow
data or even raw packets (say for non-TCP traffic) so that detailed
L7 analysis can take place to track botnet control lines back to their
handlers in after-the-fact investigations.  Also, I hate to say this, we
may need to also require that all encrypted traffic allow inspection of
their contents under proper authority (CALEA essentially).  If we
can do this then we can put real policing pressure on these virus
writers, essentially removing them from being able to attack us
over the Internet.

- Alex


Alex Alten
alex at

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