is breaking RSA at least as hard as factoring or vice-versa?

Sean W. Smith sws at
Mon Apr 3 06:36:30 EDT 2006

Dan Boneh had an interesting paper on this topic a few years back  
giving some evidence that that "breaking RSA" might in fact be easier  
than factoring.    However, it defines "breaking RSA" as being able  
to DO the private-key operation, not as knowing the private key  
(because the latter lets you factor).

Boneh and Venkatesan. "Breaking RSA may not be equivalent to  
factoring." Eurocrypt '98. Springer-Verlag LNCS 1233. 1998.


Sean W. Smith, Ph.D.  sws at
Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH USA

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