and constrained subordinate CA costs? (Re: SSL Cert prices ($10 to $1500, you choose!))

Adam Back adam at
Thu Mar 24 18:51:25 EST 2005

The URL John forwarded gives survey of prices for regular certs and
subdomain wildcard certs/super certs (ie * all considered
valid with respect to a single cert).

Does anyone have info on the cost of sub-ordinate CA cert with a name
space constraint (limited to issue certs on domains which are
sub-domains of a your choice... ie only valid to issue certs on
sub-domains of

Maybe the answer is "a lot of money"... CA operators probably view
users of this kind of tech to be corporations with big infrastructure
to secure.  It sounds like the offers this
kind of service.  However it sounds like its web based so they have
really just bundled a more streamlined way to create lots of certs.

(Thawte spki means "starter PKI" (not simple pki)).


On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 03:53:51PM -0800, John Gilmore wrote:
> For the privilege of being able to communicate securely using SSL and a
> popular web browser, you can pay anything from $10 to $1500.  Clif
> Cox researched cert prices from various vendors:

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