another feature RNGs could provide

Anton Stiglic astiglic at
Wed Dec 21 19:56:14 EST 2005

>Actually, by definition, a cipher should be a permutation from the set
>of plaintexts to the set of ciphertexts. It has to be 1 to 1 bijective
>or it isn't an encryption algorithm.
>Therefore, if you want an ergodic sequence of size 2^N, a counter
>encrypted under an N bit block cipher will do it.

Yes, and the set of keys define a subset of all of the possible permutations
(working on the same size input as the block cipher).  The set of all
permutations is a group, but a subset of that is not necessarily a subgroup.

Most security proofs of modes of operations, and others, model a block
cipher as a random permutation.


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