Sen. Hollings plans to introduce DMCA sequel: The SSSCA

Ian Farquhar ian.farquhar at
Mon Sep 10 17:29:16 EDT 2001

Having read this bill, I cannot shake the suspicion that it is an ambit
tactic.  An unreasonable bill has been proposed to be shot down,
and the real bill will be introduced in a few months time. This
new bill will certainly contain a number of nasties, but it's
backers will seem to have compromised and "addressed" our
concerns.  Our continuing objections will be painted as
unreasonable, and thus we'll be marginalised in the debate.
Their bill will pass, nasties and all.

This technique only works if you have tame politicians
willing to propose ambit bills, which is a risky strategy
as can make them look ridiculous.  I don't know enough
about Hollings to judge.  Even so, the timing of the
bill is interesting given the recent papers about the
success of the DCMA.  One could reasonably suggest
that this timing is a little too clever to be unorchestrated.

Disclaimer: speaking for myself, not for Sun.


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